We are an inbound tour operator that works with individual passengers and groups;
and that organize traditional tours around Peru and Bolivia.
Our Mision
We are a young, professional and efficient work team, committed to our clients and fare with our working partners, contributing to sustainable tourism development in the country.
Our Vision
To be a friendly company with the capacity of anticipate problems and offer the best alternative of solutions to any possible problem on our way, having as a clear priority the safety and happiness of our clients.
Basic Principle
Human resources are not only a valued and appreciated capital but the most important to achieve our tasks and get our goals. For this reason, the welfare of our working partners is one of the pillars of our business. It is also very important to us to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of life of the support staff (porters).
Social Commitments
- Prioritize the acquisition of all the products in the local and regional markets.
- Promote personal and professional development of all those involved with the company.
- Promote real way human values among our employees.
- Organize social awareness workshops for our employees.
Environmental Commitments
- Recycle the biggest possible amount of paper at our offices.
- Donate all the recycled material to benefic institutions.
- Use biodegradable material in all our trekking operations.
- Use in a rational and environmentally friendly way water and energy resources in our offices.
- Run internal programs integrating all our staff to create an environmentally friendly conscience.